Find any Actor Singer on

Hi guys, have you ever heard about before? is a free and unique people search engine where you can find information about people. Just about anyone like your favorite Actor Singer or any others even just an ordinary people like me. gathers information of people from all over the internet and puts them together into a search friendly format. Spock allows us to search anyone by name, e-mail, or tag which is a term that relates to a person such as curly hair, recruiter, Duke Alum, Chicago, etc.
Within a search result are links to other places that a person is on the Web, such as Wikipedia, Myspace, LinkedIn and others. People have the ability to claim their own search result and add tags and pictures to themselves and others. By voting on a tag or picture you make it more prevalent for that person.

Find any Actor Singer on is a simple way to you! First you register your self and once you have done that, they will automatically search on the web, at which social network sites such as friendster and others we have registered using the same particular email address.
After registering, then you can search to find them all as you want.
Try it, now!